On the way to Andre's home
Op weg naar Andre.
Black berries from Andre's garden
Braambessen uit Andre's tuin
Stone compass. Shows the cities/villages in the distant landscape. Notice the year it was installed.
Een stenen compas duid de ligging aan van de omliggende steden en dorpen.
Looking from even a higher point....
Nog even hoger uitkijk...
Land house next to the top.
Landhuis gelegen naast de top.
One last snapshot
Puzzling question; how did the water get to the top of the hill??
Moeilijke vraag: hoe komt het water tot boven aan de berg??
Time for an ice cream.
Tijd voor een ijsje.
Take your pick! And let's go home!
Maak uw keuze! En nu naar huis!

Andre invited us to his home in Galmaarden, in the heart of the Pajottenland.
Click on the photo to enlarge. The colored description can display more info.
The 3 Bs
The Pajottenland and the Zenne valley, a distinctive region in Flanders. We are proud of what we can offer our visitors. You will find unique assets here, some of which we call our 3 b's: our Bruegel landscape, lambic Beers and Brabander draft horses.
Bruegel's Landscape
How Payottenland there in the 16 the century looked, we know that thanks to the paintings of Pieter Bruegel the Elder. The hilly landscape with a view from a Pajotse 'mountain' on the villages, so typical of Bruegel. This typical landscape can only be found in the Pajottenland.
Lambic Beers
Wild yeasts that float through the air in the Pajottenland and the Zenne valley are natural basic elements that have contributed to the lambic brewing process for centuries. Lambic is a sour beer. To make gueuze, mix old and young lambic and let it ferment in the bottle. Geuze and Kriek are the most famous lambic beers from our region. Health!
Brabander draft horse
The Belgian draft horse, also called the farm horse, was widely bred in Vollezele and the surrounding area. The heavy yet elegant draft horse is a cross of three breeds. From the end of the 19th to the middle of the 20th century, horses from our region were sold all over the world. In Vollezele you can visit the Museum of the Belgian Draft Horse.
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